Antonio Lucalla
Sword for Hire (SR 4)
Survive and Get Paid
Location: Commoner of Paris
Pesonality: Lucalla is arrogant having a high opinion of himself and of Italians in general. He finds Italian fencing, culture, and wit to be superior to that of any other culture. Despite this he has a cheerful disposition and faces either success or failure with equanimity.
First encountered in Adventure 01: The
Hanged Man: Guy de Bourges ran Lucalla thru on the first
thrust nearly killing him. Afterwards Guy bound his wound and cleverly questioned him to
learn his employer was the Holy See in Rome. Guy then bought a bottle of cheap
wine and told the innkeeper to care for Lucalla – who bore no grudge,
seeing Guy as a “skilled and courteous fellow professional.”
After his failure in the Hanged Man,
Lucalla left the Papal States and remains at large in France or Savoy. After
Adventure 10: Lyon – Side Missions and Intrigues, wherein he was the nearly
killed to silence him and his then mistress, Anne Corday, was kidnapped and
tortured, Lucalla
left Lyon and traveled with Guy de Bourges back to Paris. After the events in Lyon,
Lucalla has found that he is now attracted to the lovely female Musketeer,
Cécile Lisette de Chretien.
1 Daring 2
Melee 2 Defense 1 Duelist 2 Mercenary 1 Lifeblood 10 Advantage 1 Retainer 3 Languages: French, Italian (N) Boons: Hard-to-Kill, Maneuver Mastery Flaws: Arrogant, Drunkard Rapier: 1d6 Dmg; +1 Parry Purse: Wealth 3 Actions: Bladework+4, Lunge+4, Quick Cut,+2; Feint+2, Dodge, Parry+2, Riposte+2
Author: Gaston's Hat NPC
in: L'Honneur et les Intrigues (Fic)
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