
Sunday, August 23, 2015

New Boons

Due to a really terribad internet connection this weekend, we had to reschedule our regular game to Tuesday and I just started a new work project with a short deadline, so today's post will be a little short. Honor+Intrigue includes a list of 67 Boons and 53 Flaws along with the suggestion that the GM and players may come up with new boons or flaws of their own. Here are a couple of Boons to add to your game.

New Boon: Heroic Defender

You have a unique ability to defend others. When you designate someone as your charge, you have a Bonus Die vs. Fear and whenever your charge would be hit by an attack you may spend 1FP to make yourself the target instead.
Created by Gaston’s Hat.

New Boon: Patron

(This version is for my campaign that does not use wealth levels.) You work for somebody important who gives you a good salary for your services as an expert in your field. You could be a noble's personal physician or a wealthy merchant's bodyguard for example. You begin play with an extra 100 livres, and receive 20 livres per month you remain in your patron's employ. Often, your work comprises of missions or tasks that you carry out for this person, often things that are plot devices to get you involved in some grand adventure.

(Here is the wealth level version.) You work for somebody important who gives you a good salary for your services as an expert in your field. You could be a noble's personal physician or a wealthy merchant's bodyguard for example. You begin play with an extra wealth level which you maintain as long as you remain in your patron's employ. Often, your work comprises of missions or tasks that you carry out for this person, often things that are plot devices to get you involved in some grand adventure.

This was created by the creator of H+I,
Chris Rutowsky, for his BASH Fantasy adventure, Island of the Forgotten Tomb (page 21) and was adapted to Honor+Intrigue by Gaston’s Hat. Here's Chris' original version.

New Advantage: Patron

You work for somebody important who gives you a good salary for your services as an expert in your field. You could be a noble's personal physician or a wealthy merchant's bodyguard for example. You begin play with an extra 50 Marks, and receive 10 Marks per month you remain in your patron's employ. Often, your work comprises of missions or tasks that you carry out for this person, often things that are plot devices to get you involved in some grand adventure.

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