
Monday, July 6, 2015

Mythic Game Master Emulator (Example 2)

Death of Baron Villemorin, consequences of Adventure 37: The Duel.

This is a second example of the Mythic Game Master Emulator. See here for the previous example.

Q: Do the Sword Nobles reject Villmorin and his actions? (Very Likely), rolled 95, NO.
The terms were unfair (the Baron in full armor with horse and lance, Gaston on foot in light armor), kidnapping the young nieces and threatening to kill them to enforce the terms, and losing the duel to a commoner are all reasons for the Sword Nobles to disassociate themselves from the dead Villmorin which is why rejection is Very Likely. But the high roll is a definite no, nearly an exceptional no. The conclusion is that the Sword Nobles disapprove of the rise of commoners like Gaston in the Army and as head of an elite unit like the Cardinal's Guards and decide to stand in solidarity. Villemorin was provoked by the scurrilous poems written about him, though they were published anonymously Gaston is a well known poet and by the failure of the courts to punish Gaston for killing the Baron's brother Paulin and after all the girls were only commoners and in the end they didn't come to any harm.
Q: Do the Robe Nobles approve of and support Gaston? (Likely), rolled 48, YES
The Robe Nobles and Sword Nobles are in opposition so some support is likely. However, open confrontation is not really there way. So support is only Likely. The triumph of Gaston against the Baron is seen as a blow against the bullying violence of the Sword Nobles and a vindication of the verdict (rendered by Robe Noble magistrates) in the previous murder trial for the death of Paulin. Gaston is looked at positively, though his status as a soldier not a scholar, lawyer, or bureaucrat prevents him from being seen as one with the Robe Nobility or as some sort of Robe Noble champion. But individual Robe Nobles will remember his name should they need a protecting sword.
Q: Does Cardinal Richelieu accept Gaston’s explanation of his actions? (Very Likely), rolled 07, Exceptional Yes
Sword Nobles are mostly opposed to Richelieu's goals of centralizing the monarchy. The Robe Nobles are frequently his allies. In addition, Gaston is Richelieu's hand-picked Captain so supporting Gaston may be best for Richelieu's reputation especially given the different reactions by the two factions of the nobility. In addition, Gaston's dramatic win reinforces the competence of Richelieu's Red Guards and places him one up over the King's Musketeers. Gaston's gave the following explanation to Richelieu:
Gaston: “The Baron wrote some so-called poetry to which I had to take exception. I forced him to eat his words, which appeared to disagree with him.”
Richelieu: “Disagreed with him?”
Gaston: “Fatally.”
Richelieu: “I see.”
The exceptional yes, indicates that Richelieu enjoyed Gaston's laconic explanation and that he will provide some mark of his favor. However, he wants to keep Gaston as a dependent client so any reward will either bind Gaston closer to Richelieu or at least will not make Gaston more independent. The exact details will be determined later, possibly a gift of fancy armor, a good horse, a really fancy hat, or a jeweled ring or perhaps a presentation to the King - though that may be better diced for separately to see if the King whimsically wants Gaston presented.
Q: Does Gaston gain Glory? (Near sure thing), rolled 42, YES
Glory (or glorie) is a combination of public acclaim, respect, and notoriety for recognized deeds of valor. The kidnapping, challenge, and duel had many witnesses: people in Paris, the other PCs and their servants, the nieces and their family, the thugs hired by the Baron for the kidnapping and ambush, and the Seneschal, guards, and servants of Chateau Villemorin. The duel was unusual and Gaston's defeat of Villemorin was dramatic. Also Gaston will memorialize the defeat in poem and the other PCs are likely to spread the knowledge. The result of the roll with the Cardinal also is taken in account. The other PCs did not fight and/or acted from concealment or disguise so they are less likely to get Glory. Only an exceptional, yes would give them Glory as well. An exceptional No, on the other hand, would result in infamy for Gaston.
Q: Are Jean-Noel Suchet and his charge the Vicomte d’Aboville grateful for Gaston’s elimination of Baron Villemorin? (A Sure Thing), roll 09, Exceptional YES
Jean-Noel Suchet is an elderly man in his late sixties and the Steward of Chateau D’Aboville in the Bourbonnais and the de facto guardian for the young master, Vicomte Léon D’Aboville. Suchet asked Gaston to prevent Villemorin from killing the young Vicomte. While Gaston did not accept, but did say, "Let me tell you two things. Villemorin has recently left Paris. But when he returns, I intend to kill him. And if he does not return by the date appointed for his duel, I will hunt him down, drag him out of whatever hole he is hiding in, and I will end him with no more compassion than I would kill a mad dog."
“Monsieur,” said Suchet with feeling. “If you do that, I will be forever in your debt.”
Also worth noting is that Villemorin killed the young Vicomte's father in a duel he forced the elder D'Aboville into. Thus their gratitude is a sure thing. The exceptional Yes result means that their gratitude extends to friendship and a de facto alliance. Of course they will ask their new friend Gaston to visit them at their house in the country as soon as his duty allows.
Q: Does the Vicomte d’Aboville have an eligible sister at home? (Very Likely), roll 22, YES
Everyone thought that the Vicomte should have a sister. Apparently we all like some of the same swashbuckling romantic tropes. Details about the sister will be generated when she makes an appearance. Possibly when a visit to the d'Aboville country home is about to occur.
Q: Is Father Signoret censured by the Provincial Father of the Jesuits? (Unlikely), rolled 00, Exceptional NO
Signoret was censured by the Provincial Father for attacking Baron Villemorin in the theatre so there is some risk. However, because of the Baron's kidnapping and threats to two young girls, Signoret's actions in seconding Gaston are unlikely to invoke censure, especially since Signoret tried to mediate the duel and did not himself fight, instead he took one of the nieces to safety. The exceptional No, means Signoret's actions were seen as righteous and in keeping with the Jesuit Order which in effect earns the Father a get out of jail free card from the Provincial Father to avoid censure for participating in some future duel.
Q: Does Cardinal Richelieu accept Father Signoret's absence? (Very Likely), rolled 23, YES
Given the responses to Gaston's actions and the result from the Provincial Father, it is at least very likely that Richelieu accepts Father Signoret's absence from his duties as one of the Cardinal's secretaries. The Yes indictes that the Cardinal is pleased with his secretary.
Q: Does the Prince de Condé lose influence from the duel and death of his client Villemorin? (Very Unlikely), roll 58 No
The Prince's supporters are found in the Grands, the great families of France, and more broadly in the Sword Nobility. Based on the Sword Nobility's response, it is very unlikely for Condé to lose support. And he does not.


  1. Sword Nobles remain loyal to Villemorin though his actions are embarrassing. They do not approve of Gaston.
  2. Robe Nobles approve and support Gaston.
  3. Gaston gains a point of Glory for his actions in the duel.
  4. Richelieu supports and publicly approves of Gaston’s actions. He will honor or reward Gaston in some fashion: horse, armor, fancy hat, jeweled ring an audience with king is not out of the question.
  5. Jean-Noel Suchet and his charge the Vicomte d’Aboville are very grateful for Gaston’s elimination of Baron Villemorin. They offer their aid and alliance and invite him to visit them at their country home. Unknown to Gaston, the Vicomete has a eligible sister.
  6. The Jesuit Provincial Father does not censure Signoret for his actions. In fact Signoret has a special favor to avoid censure by his superior for some future sword/dueling action.
  7. Cardinal Richelieu is pleased at Father Signoret’s actions in the duel.
  8. Villemorin’s actions and death does not decrease the influence of the Prince de Condé.

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